Sunday, February 9, 2014

 I can say this was one of my favorite book from middle school.
This book color catches the readers attention because it has many colors and it seems to involve animals and a lot of people like animals and the title leaves people to question what is it about and what may happen. The War on Words Mandela  Child of God The Orchard Keeper No Country For Old Men
Common characteristics-  The last three has the same author and their covers all have this odd focal point a words whether its bolded out different color or in the middle of all the words that are squeezed together.  However, the first 2 book covers seem to be a documentary about important time and person in history.  For the last 3 book covers there is consistence within the book because the way the book cover is set up.  Furthermore, I really like books so i have no comment.

Design Competition

1)  The process for this design competition took forever because I can never choose a specific design.  However, after looking at different pictures and drawing images out of a phoenix I found what I was looking for, in the link above it shows my finished design.

2)  I used gimp to stick an image of a phoenix on a background I liked it took a little bit of time but I finished it.

3)  I wanted something simple nothing complex because it would confuse whoever would look at it and according to my font I bolded it out and centered it.

4) I really didn't concentrate on those aspects because it was a handbook design for the school and there really is no need for repetition, proximity and contrast.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


My logo design represents everything about fitness club from the Rodney Coleman design to the concept board.  My symbol is the outline of Rodney Coleman former Mr. Olympia and he is colored in as the world because all over the world people are going to the gym to build some muscle.  the Colors are all over the place due to my concept board being somewhat colorful but it really has no meaning.  The process most helpful in creating my design was making a draft of my logo and seeing where it would take me.  Like first it was Rodney Coleman holding the world but then he was colored in as the world. the most challenging aspect of the project was using gimp because it took so much time to make my logo the way it is.  I am satisfied with what the final rests were of my project I put in a lot of work into it afterschool and it came out like I wanted it to be.   HANNNN

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

13 Best moments of 2013
-The first best moment of 2013 was that I was picked to be on my AAU basketball team for a third year in a row, and if you don't know what AAU is it's a Traveling basketball team.  We go to near by states to play against other teams.
-The second best would be that I passed and now I am a senior at Millennium High School and it my last year here, HANNNN!!!!!!!.
 -Next would be I went to Dominican Republic for most of August and the beginning of September with the family and cousins had a blast and was put on the Dominican basketball team from where my dad was born "La Victoria", its a small town next to the capital.
-The fourth best moment was returning to school and seeing all my friends.
- The fifth is that I turned 18 that year HANNN!!!
-Saw my cousins from Connecticut and Florida they came to visit me after a dance class in 34th st.
- Met Ms. Lee and its her first year here HANNN!!!!!!
- My father retired from the military after 18 years.
- Bought a lot of shoes.
- Took my first steps to go to college.
-  Learned how to use gimp, Still don't like it shhhh.
- First time scoring over 40 points in AAU
- Met some new friends HANNN!!  

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Francis Hidalgo
Graphic Design                     Fitness Club

    Fitness club was recently added to the clubs in Millennium High School and it mainly for kids that want to work out, put on muscle in a smart and safe way.  It’s run by Ms. Chun a physical educational and was my gym teacher in 11th grade, the fitness club are on Thursday mornings and Friday after school.  They do group stretching before doing their group exercises everyday this come together they do something different maybe something is different in there stretching or a change in their weight workouts.  Ms. Chun push those that seem to want to achieve more and want to work hard.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Typeface:  Futura
The type face was used as a Logo/ emblem for the Chipotle restaurant and I find this use of the typeface to be effective because it simple but unique in the way it was shaped in a circle.  Also I find this type face to be appropriate for this type of purpose reeling in customers to try their amazing burrito, tacos or salads.
Typeface:  Formata
The logo/emblem is all around the world if not the check sign it had NIKE all over this place, its always been a successful company.  This logo has been here 1964 and hasn't really changed it was used on professional athletes sneaker or cleats and cloths.  Yes I find this typeface to be appropriate because it has been successful ever since it was founded. 

Typeface:  Grunge or Distressed type 
This typeface was used for a gaming company and it placed on the boxes of the game console or the console itself.  I don't really find this typeface appropriate because it makes it look weird, but with the design it has brought success to this company.  

Typeface:  Candida Bold
This typeface is used for the Hamburger company founded in 1969.  Yes I find the typeface to be appropriate for this logo/ emblem because it still has something from when it was founded.  
Typeface:  Today Sans
This was a directional heading for the subway which indicated some train to Fulton and Brooklyn.  Also this typeface is appropriate because it seems to be really old from when the subway system first opened.  

Typeface:  Futura to Trade Gothic 
Here the typeface was used for a sign for an Avenue from before and then they changed it to make it new and more visible.  I would know what to say about this typeface because its a street sign and i dont know if there should be a specific type of way it should be.