Thursday, January 23, 2014


My logo design represents everything about fitness club from the Rodney Coleman design to the concept board.  My symbol is the outline of Rodney Coleman former Mr. Olympia and he is colored in as the world because all over the world people are going to the gym to build some muscle.  the Colors are all over the place due to my concept board being somewhat colorful but it really has no meaning.  The process most helpful in creating my design was making a draft of my logo and seeing where it would take me.  Like first it was Rodney Coleman holding the world but then he was colored in as the world. the most challenging aspect of the project was using gimp because it took so much time to make my logo the way it is.  I am satisfied with what the final rests were of my project I put in a lot of work into it afterschool and it came out like I wanted it to be.   HANNNN

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

13 Best moments of 2013
-The first best moment of 2013 was that I was picked to be on my AAU basketball team for a third year in a row, and if you don't know what AAU is it's a Traveling basketball team.  We go to near by states to play against other teams.
-The second best would be that I passed and now I am a senior at Millennium High School and it my last year here, HANNNN!!!!!!!.
 -Next would be I went to Dominican Republic for most of August and the beginning of September with the family and cousins had a blast and was put on the Dominican basketball team from where my dad was born "La Victoria", its a small town next to the capital.
-The fourth best moment was returning to school and seeing all my friends.
- The fifth is that I turned 18 that year HANNN!!!
-Saw my cousins from Connecticut and Florida they came to visit me after a dance class in 34th st.
- Met Ms. Lee and its her first year here HANNN!!!!!!
- My father retired from the military after 18 years.
- Bought a lot of shoes.
- Took my first steps to go to college.
-  Learned how to use gimp, Still don't like it shhhh.
- First time scoring over 40 points in AAU
- Met some new friends HANNN!!