Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Francis Hidalgo
Graphic Design                     Fitness Club

    Fitness club was recently added to the clubs in Millennium High School and it mainly for kids that want to work out, put on muscle in a smart and safe way.  It’s run by Ms. Chun a physical educational and was my gym teacher in 11th grade, the fitness club are on Thursday mornings and Friday after school.  They do group stretching before doing their group exercises everyday this come together they do something different maybe something is different in there stretching or a change in their weight workouts.  Ms. Chun push those that seem to want to achieve more and want to work hard.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Typeface:  Futura
The type face was used as a Logo/ emblem for the Chipotle restaurant and I find this use of the typeface to be effective because it simple but unique in the way it was shaped in a circle.  Also I find this type face to be appropriate for this type of purpose reeling in customers to try their amazing burrito, tacos or salads.
Typeface:  Formata
The logo/emblem is all around the world if not the check sign it had NIKE all over this place, its always been a successful company.  This logo has been here 1964 and hasn't really changed it was used on professional athletes sneaker or cleats and cloths.  Yes I find this typeface to be appropriate because it has been successful ever since it was founded. 

Typeface:  Grunge or Distressed type 
This typeface was used for a gaming company and it placed on the boxes of the game console or the console itself.  I don't really find this typeface appropriate because it makes it look weird, but with the design it has brought success to this company.  

Typeface:  Candida Bold
This typeface is used for the Hamburger company founded in 1969.  Yes I find the typeface to be appropriate for this logo/ emblem because it still has something from when it was founded.  
Typeface:  Today Sans
This was a directional heading for the subway which indicated some train to Fulton and Brooklyn.  Also this typeface is appropriate because it seems to be really old from when the subway system first opened.  

Typeface:  Futura to Trade Gothic 
Here the typeface was used for a sign for an Avenue from before and then they changed it to make it new and more visible.  I would know what to say about this typeface because its a street sign and i dont know if there should be a specific type of way it should be.  

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

While using Gimp, what was the most frustrating aspect of the program and/or project? (Ex. Gimp Tools, translating sketch to design, creating transitional layers, etc.)  
When using Gimp what was most frustrating was figuring out what tools to use and how to use them precisely.  I spent most of my time figuring out how to use these tools and what was their meaning.  Another frustrating aspect of gimp was putting my sketchs from my post its to the computer and drawing them exactly how i drew them.  

After completing the project, which Gimp tools do you feel most confident in using? Explain why. 
After using Gimp the tool i feel most confident with is the Path Tool because my letter gif became beat headphones and it was really curvy and i need to make a perfect curve to replicate the beats design.

Which Gimp Tool do you wish you were better at using?   Explain why. 
The tool i wish to get better at is the paintbrush tool because any little movement it follows and its hard not to mess up so i had to be slow and careful using this tool.

What would you like to create with Gimp next?
Actually i dont know what exactly i would like to create with gimp.  Gimp can be used for many different things.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Epic Failed Dunk by my brother-man Vick he tried !!!!!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

1.  Describe the design process in the name design project. How was it helpful or not helpful for you?
The design process for the name design project was really long.  It was a lot of editing and changing and switching, it was really time consuming.  It took patience to finish the project because if you think your done you are really not done there is always something you  can fix.

2. How does the name design represent you? What components did you use to visually tell the viewer about yourself? (Composition, font style, images, symbols, colors, etc)
 My name design project is explosive it had that pow feeling when i looked at it, exactly like the pow and bam from cartoon shows.  I used overlapping and for a color choice a bright orange that made my artwork come to life.  It shows that I'm always happy. 

3.  How did you create a focal point or emphasis in your design?
My focal point was left white so that it can be notice from far away, and everything else was colored in so it can be easy to seen. 

4.  What was the most difficult part of this project for you? Why?
the most difficult part of the project was deciding what i wanted my background to be and my color choice that took my 3 days to figure out.  For my background i decide to first put circles in the back with mini circles in them and some overlapping others but then my final choice was triangles and i stuck with it and it came out to be nice.  For my color choice i firs chose yellow but it was too bright then i chose a dark pink and it look really different then what i imagined and after that i decided to pick a bright orange and it looked exactly like i wanted it to be.

5. Are you satisfied with your project? Explain your answer.
I am actually really happy about my project it came out really nice and it came out how i wanted it to first look like.  It was hard work but everything payed off it shows how i am in every way possible.  

6. If  you can change anything, what would you change?
I wouldn't change anything at all, its fine how it is. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What is your experience with Graphic Design?
I do not have any experience in the field of graphic design, I actually didn't know what to expect in the class of graphic design I thought it was like drawing on computers and making like bill boards and signs.  

Why is graphic design valuable to learn?
I wouldn't know its my first time in a graphic design class.

What is your favorite font type?  Post an image or an example.

I dont have a favorite font type never really paid attention to that type of stuff.

What are your expectations for this course this year?

To draw and do a lot of computer design such as billboards and ads, and probably even my own cloths brand.